Shahrizadah Muhammad Sa’îd Vahdatî’s Dictionary of Biographies of Poets: Mahzenü’s-Safâ Kenz-i Dürer-i Zikr-i Şu’arâ
In this article we introduce a dictionary of biographies
of poets written by Shahrizadah Muhammad Sa’îd
Vahdati who is one of the biography and chronical writers
of XVIII’th centrury of Ottoman Empire. Firstly we
mentioned names of some biographies of poets that
resources recorded but even one copy of them has not
reached upto today. After that we analyzed characteristics
of the manuscript in terms of form and content. Lastly we
written down that Shahrizadah Muhammad Sa’îd studies
sultan poets like II. Murat, Fatih Sultan Mehmed, II.
Bayezid, I. Selim, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman, II. Selim, III.
Murat, III. Mehmed, I. Ahmed, II. Osman, IV. Murad,
Sultan İbrahim, IV. Mehmed, II. Mustafa, III. Ahmed, I.
Mahmud, their works, wars, viziers and poems.
Shahrizadah Muhammad Sa’îd Vahdati, Mahzenü’s-Safâ Kenzi-i Dürer-i Zikr-i Şu’arâ, Tezkire.