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The Seyahatname of Evliya Chelebi is Considered as One of Harmful Publications During Abdülhamid II
The Ottoman Turkish writer Evliya Chelebi or Çelebi who travelled extensively through the Ottoman empire and neighbouring countries, both in a private capacity and at the service of the Sublime Porte. The account of his travels is recorded in his ten-volume Turkish-language Seyâhatnâme. The Seyâhatnâme contains a wealth of information on the cultural history, folklore and geography of the countries he visited. The Seyâhatnâme which was written by Evliya Chelebi and that was known as a extraordinary author in his time had been forbidden in period of Sultan Abdülhamid II because of mischievous publication. First six-volume of the Seyâhatnâme which was advertised by Hammer to world of science in 1815 is printed between 1896-1902 in press of Newspaper of İkdâm, under inspection of Ministry of Education; however, had been forbidden printing of other volumes with decree of palace in 1902. The cause of this prohibition hadn’t been showed in the documents of archives evidently. In this prohibition had influenced especially publishing in newspaper, because this book was being printed in pres. In this priciple with this prohibit and inpection which is related to documents of archives will be showed the causes and results,The Seyehatname of whose parts was being prohibited will the examples be given.

Evliya Chelebi, Seyâhatnâme, Abdülhamid II Period, censorship, mischievous publication, prohibition.

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