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Özrî and Poems
Although there are no independent studies about Özrî (d. 1522), the son of Skopje judge Karaca Hasan and the brother of poet İzârî, there are various comments about his personality and poetry in biographies. Despite any of his books or works did not reach to this day, some of his poets can be found in the documents as well as in the nazire journals in Topkapı Palace. Âşık Çelebi narrates an alluring story about the poet Özrî, who, like himself, was a judge and lived in the vicinity of Skopje. Özrî, who had enough knowledge of astronomy to present a calendar to the sultan every year, participated in the Battle of Rhodes, one of the first expeditions of Suleiman the Magnificent, and upon the sultan's request for information on whether the castle could be conquered, he informed that the moon would be eclipsed at the time of the conquest of the castle and also Özrî himself would die. Âşık Çelebi says that Özrî passed away on the night of the lunar eclipse during the siege and that the castle was conquered towards the morning. In this study, after giving information about the life and personality of Poet Özrî, it will be tried to validate the date of his death with the help of modern astronomy data based on the narration of Âşık Çelebi. Lastly, the text of Özrî's poems, which were encountered in various journals, will be given.

Özrî, Âşık Çelebi, Rhodes Expedition, NASA, Peom.

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