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Ebu'l-Fazl Musa el-Izniki’s Work Titled Tercume-i Kısas-i Enbiyâ
The qisas-i anbiyas, which are also used as Ahbar-i anbiya, are works that describe the lives of various tribes and prophets. The first examples of qisas-ı anbiyas, which developed as an independent genre over time, were found in Vehb b. Münebbih, Muhammed b. Abdillah el-Kisâî and Muhammed b. He gave authors such as Ibrahim es-Sa'lebî. The works of Sa'lebî and Kisâî were generally used in Turkish qisas-ı anbiyâs written by authors such as Rabguzî and Ahmet Cevdet Pasha. These works, which are the source of the qisas-ı anbiyas in our literature, have been translated into Turkish many times. One of the works that have survived and whose translator is known is a Sa'lebi translation named "Terceme-i Kısas-ı Enbiyâ", which belongs to Ebu'l-Fazl Musa İbn Haci Hüseyin İznikî. A new copy of this work has been found in the Library of Manuscripts of the Presidency of Religious Affairs. This new copy found is a translation belonging to Ebu'l-Fazl Musa el-İznikî and is different from the other copy belonging to İznikî. In the old copy called the Yozgat copy, there is only the first volume of Terceme-i Kısas-ı Enbiyâ. However, it has been determined that the copy in the Presidency of Religious Affairs Manuscripts Library is a complete copy covering both volumes. In the study, briefings were given about the new copy by mentioning the qisas-ı anbiyas and the life of Ebu'l-Fazl Mûsâ el-İzniki in general terms.

Kısas-ı Anbiya, Sa’lebi, İzniki, Translation, Arabic, Turkish.

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