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Basiri’s Prose Leta’ifname
The humorous works of classical Turkish literature appears in both verse and prose under various genres such as hezl, satire, ta’riz, şathiyyat, mutayebe, joke, wit, suhriyya, anecdote and story. One of these genres is the jokes that are based on humor and amuse by containing a subtle wit. The journals in which the jokes are brought together are called leta’ifname. Leta’ifnames, which usually take their subject from the social life conditions of their age, are important works that carry the social and cultural life of the period in which they were written. These works, the first examples of which can be found in our literature since the 15th century, have become widespread especially since the 16th century. One of these examples is the prose Leta’ifname written by Basiri, one of the 16th century poets who stands out with his witty personality and the abundance of his jokes in biographies and biographical sources. The only known copy of the work is in the Konya Koyunoğlu Museum Library, between leaves 3b-13b of Mecmu‘a-i Fevaid with archive number 14665. According to the temmet record at the end, the work, which was completed in 941/1534-35, consists of three sections; the section titled “Ez-Leta’if-i Mevlana Basiri” in which the division of the kadi was made, and the section entitled “Ez-Leta’if-i Basiri”, in which the story of a troubled beng drinker is told in Benginame and the section in which 59 jokes titled “Latife” takes place. In this study, after giving brief information about the leta’ifname genre, Basiri’s life and literary personality were mentioned; after analyzing Leta’ifname in terms of humor elements, the translated text of the work is included.

Classical Turkish Literature, Humor, Latife, Basiri, Leta’ifname.

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