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The Case of Self in the Fahries of Al-Motenabbi and Nef’i
al-Mutanabbi (born 303/915-death 354/965), one of the well-known poets of Arab literature of the Abbasid period who lived in 4th century and Nef'î (born?-death 1044/1635), one of the important poets of 17th century Divan literatüre are two poets that attract attention in the literary circles of the period they lived, with their different personalities, honorary and poetic styles. Mutanabbi is one of the leading representetives of Abbasid period of Arab literature, became famous for his praising and self-praising poems. Nef’i is also one of the leading poets of Turkish literature, known for his poems in praising, self-praising and satirical genies of poetry. Nef’i is similar to al-Mutanabbi in terms of both clear vocabulary and pride, harsh nature, self-confidence, and seeing himself superior to everyone else. The existence of this similarity is stated in some sources and it is also mentioned in academic studies about Nef’i. However, these studies do not provide any information about the nature of the similarity in question. In this context, the honorary odes of both poets will be examined in this study in order to make a research. The similarity relationship between these odes will be tried to be revealed through couplets with similar meaning selected as a result of scanning the Arabic divan of al-Mutanabbi and the Turkish divan of Nef’i.

Nef’i, Dıvan poetry, al-Mutanabbi, Arab Poetry, self-praising qasides.

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