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Reconsider Ghazal Philosophy in the Context of Human Love
Gazelle was born in Arabic literature, which is also the main source of classical Turkish poetry. Later, she transferred her qualities to Persian and Turkish poetry through various stages. These qualities formed a "Gazelle philosophy" as the traces of a collective culture. The Hadarî gazelle, which was a product of urbanization during the Umayyad period, developed Vadi'l-Kurra, from a contrasting geography as the symbol of chaste love and the product of Bedouin culture, Uzrî Gazelle. In the Abbasi century, she created the fellow gstyle called “al-ghazel bi’l müzekker”, which again took her philosophy from social life. In this period, it also appeared with its sufistic dimension as a reaction to the tendency of extreme worldliness. This stage of development took place on the basis of human love, and the gazelle based its philosophy on human love. The beloved, who is the collocutor of this love, gives life to the entertainment places of Istanbul with her feature of being kissed, caressed, and giving kisses without hesitation. The lovers lie on the grass and chat with these lovers and enjoy the boat. It is seen that this human beloved also does not hesitate to reveal her silver skin despite social norms. When we look at the poems, it is seen that such lovers are met several times a day, wine is drunk with them, and even they leave themselves in the ultimate union without chummily after wine. In the article, the features of this love and human lover, which also form the basis of European romance are interpreted in the context of human love and gazelle philosophy.

Hadarî gazelle, Uzrî gazelle, Gazelle phılosophy, Human love.

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