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Hayâtî-zâde Şeref Halîl and His Arabic-Turkish Dictionary Rûhu'l-Edeb
One of the dictionaries written in the tradition of writing verse dictionary is the work of Seyyid Şeref Halîl Efendi, also known as Hayâti-zade who is the son of Ahmed Hayâtî from Elbistan, named Rûhu'l-edeb. In the tradition, there are examples written in more than two languages besides the dictionaries written mostly in Persian-Turkish or Arabic-Turkish. The verse dictionary of Şeref Halîl is a dictionary in which mostly Arabic compositions are sorted according to topics. The equivalents of Arabic idioms are given in the dictionary. The bets were first opened with a given quatrain, and then the mesnevis related to the same subject were listed. The mesnevis in which the subject was continued were not equal in every section, and the number of mesnevis varied depending on the volume of the content. The work consists of 58 chapters and 1252 couplets. The Arabic equivalents of Turkish idiomatic structures and issues, or a method of explaining the meaning of an Arabic phrase / composition, were followed. The dictionary was written from the letter of elif to the letter of shin and missing couplets / verses were increased in the last leaves. In this study, information was given about the general features of Seyyid Şeref Halîl's Arabic-Turkish verse dictionary named Rûhu’l-edeb, and copies of the work, its composition features and its content were analyzed.

Dictionary, verse dictionary, Hayâtî-zâde Şeref Halîl, Rûhu'l-edeb.

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