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An Illustrated Copy of Hubbî’s Lost Mesnevi Named “Horshid u Camshid ”
Ayşe Hubbî Hatun, the granddaughter of Beşiktaşlı Şeyh Yahya Efendi, is one of the important female poets of Divan poetry. She was the musâhib of Selim II and Murad III and was respected like a sultana in her time. We have not had a copy of her Horshid u Camshid mesnevi, which is praised in many biographical sources, especially in poet biography collections of Âşık Çelebi and Kınalızâde Hasan Çelebi. In this study, a copy of Ayşe Hubbî Hatun's mesnevi Horshid u Camshid with miniatures, which was recently discovered by us, will be introduced. The copy of Hubbî's Horshid u Camshid to be introduced in this study was recorded in the Oriental Manuscripts-Otto Friedrich von Richter's Collection in the Library of Tartu University, Estonia, with the number of Mscr 105. The work is among the manuscripts sent to the library as a donation from the legacy of Otto von Friedrich von Richter (1791-1816). This copy of the work consists of 207 sheets and also includes 33 miniatures. In this study, we will share our determinations and give information about the content of this work, which is a translation of Selmân-ı Sâvecî's Persian Camshid u Horshid, belongs to Hubbî.

Hubbî, Horshid u Camshid, Selmân-ı Sâvecî, miniature, copy.

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