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Proverbs, Idioms and Folk Sayings in the Divan of Sheikh al-islam Kemal Pashazade (Ibni Kemal)
Classical Turkish literature poets, who used many facts belonging to the society they were in, as the subjects of their poems, also made extensive use of proverbs and idioms, and they even succeed in using proverbs and idioms in poetry to make it a part of the divan poetry tradition. Sheikh alislam Kemal Pashazade is one of the poets who included proverbs and idioms that almost every poet has used more or less in line with their tastes and styles. Kemal Pashazade, who was referred to as the mufti of all people, the mufti of people and jinn, Ibn-i Sina of Anatolia and Rumelia and held the position of Sheikh al-islam for eight years, is one of the most important scholars educated by the Ottoman state. One of the most important works of Kemal Pashazade in the field of classical Turkish literature which he has written over two hundred works in Turkish, Arabic, and Persian in many fields such as tafsir, hadith, fiqh, Sufism, philosophy, history, language, and medicine is his Divan. All the poems of Kemal Pashazade, which are written in a simple style by him, and which he prioritizes love and stories in his poems are quite remarkable in terms of the use of proverbs, idioms and folk expressions. Kemal Pashazade used around 30 proverbs and 300 idioms in his poems. In this study, his determined proverbs, idioms, and folk expressions, and how often they are used have been presented.

Sheikh al-islam Kemal Pashazade, Divan, Proverbs, Idioms, Folk Sayings.

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