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One Gazelle Two Poets: Some Notes on the same Gazelle in the Diwans of Nevi-zade Atayi and Nevali-zade Atayi
In the some diwans which are written in the Classical Turkish Literature tradition, sometimes, it is possible to encounter to same or with a large extent similar poems in the different poet’s books. When some of them are similar in the nazire tradition, some of them are similar because they are written in cooperation. Sometimes, confusion resulting from using the same mahlas (pen name) cause inclusion of same poems in different diwans. Nevi-zade Atayi and Nevali-zade Atayi are two contemporary poets having lived in the same century. Their other common characteristics is using the same mahlas. When the published diwans of these poets are examined, it is seen that same gazelle is included in both poets’ diwans. Apparently, both poets’ using Atayi pen name, led to confusion and because of this similarity of mahlas, same gazelle is included in both poets’ diwan copy and publishing. Purpose of this work is to identify the poet of the gazelle comprised of 5 verses. Based on Nevi-zade Atayi and Nevali- zade diwans publishing and resources and tezkires that give information about the life of poets and examples of their books, it is tried to determine to which Atayi aforementioned gazelle belongs.

Nevi-zade Atayi, Nevali-zade Atayi, diwan, gazelle, Classical Turkish Literature

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