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Tradition and Four Modern Mersiye (Dirge) Written to the Ottoman Dynasty
Mersiye is the type of poem in which the sadness after the death of the classical Turkish poetry is expressed. This type of poetry is mostly written in sultans and princes in our literary history. In these poems, on the one hand, the anguish caused by death was expressed and explained to the forehead, while the positive qualities of the deceased were explained. In this study, one of the four princes of the last century (Muhsin Macit, Ahmet Efe, Bülent), who wrote to the overturned sultans (because of their sentences - Sultan II Osman), four princes (Prince Cem, Prince Mustafa, Prince Cihangir and Prince Bayezid) Ecevit and Ali Ural) will be discussed in terms of the continuation of the tradition of mersiye. The four names of the dynasty were tragically dead, and they did not die with their ego. Other poems written in their rights in the context of short historical information about the tragic deaths of these sultans and prince poets who are also poets will be given examples of traditional mercies and their own poems. Thus, both the influence of the tradition of classical poetry on modern poetry will be briefly mentioned, and the feature of the poetry of traditional poetry will evolve from the tradition to the moderne. The poems and tallies of the poets we dealt with will be given in the same context to the living tragedies of the dynastic names.

MMersiye (dirge), tradation, Cem Sultan, Shehzade Mustafa, Shehzade Bayezid, Gench Osman.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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