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The Uses of The Word ‘Simya’ in Ottoman Poetry
Ottoman poetry has inherited former Arabic and Persian poetry traditions and built a poetry on them specific to itself. Besides, the common cultural geography, which has been founded around Islam culture, has brought the collection of three different language around a similar mentality. Ottoman poetry has benefited from the mindset world of this common culture –a lot more than Persian poetry tradition– and transferred the scientific intelligence of the period to poetry. Secret disciplines, known as occultic sciences, have been accepted in the Sufi society and among the Shia masters at first, and then, spread to the other layers of society. Those disciplines has found a place for themselves in many of the texts of Ottoman poetry with both their concepts and practices. When those disciplines and their concepts cannot be understood correctly, this makes literary texts difficult to analyze. Simya, magic/sorcery, alchemy and huruf (letter(s)) are sister sciences. It is seen that among these four Hermetic disciplines especially the words ‘simya’ and ‘alchemy’ are confused in modern Turkish. This situation reflects on the understanding of Ottoman poetry texts, as well. The idea of simya being a discipline that is in the pursuit of turning copper into gold does not find a place in the texts. In this paper, the context of the word ‘simya’ in Arabic, Persian and Turkish dictionaries is investigated, and it is tried to reveal that in what meanings it is used in Ottoman poetry texts.

Simya, Alchemy, Science of Letters, Sorcery, Ottoman Poetry

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