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Turkish Poems in Poetry Collection With Record No. 2701 in Tehran University Central Library (Analysis- MESTAP-Comparative Text)
Poetry collections are one of the important resources which would enable us look closely the stages that art and aesthetic sense in Turkish literature have passed. In this study, transcription of Turkish poems were done which are included in poetry collection with record no. 2701in Tehran University Central Library and mentioned poems were tabulated according to MESTAP. The poetry collection which was compiled by Süleyman Kadı Türk in Hicri 1195 (M. 1780-1781) is composed of 31 folio and includes Turkish and Persian poems. There are 92 Turkish poems in the poetry collection and the poet of 42 poems could be detected. There are 50 poems whose poet could not be detected, 22 matla, 16 nazm, 6 ferd, 3 mesnewi, 1 verse and 2 poems with “aaaa” rhyme. If the poems in the poetry collection were already published in any scientific study such as diwan, journal, tezkire before; poems were compared with the form they were in those studies and differences were presented with footnotes. There are poems of Ahmed, Andelîbî, Âşık Ömer, Âşık, Aşkî, Cevrî, Ferruhî, Fuzûlî, Gavsî, Gelibolulu Âlî, Hâce Senâyî, Hasbî, Hâzık, İhsân, İlâhî, İshâk, İzzet Âli Paşa, Kerîmî, Künhî, Latîfî, Mânî, Mirzâ Sâib-i Isfahânî, Murâdî, Nâbî, Râgıbî, Rahmî, Rûhî, Sâfî, II. Selîm, Sinânî, Şâdî, Şemsî,Şerhî, Ulvî and Usûlî in the poetry collection. One or two poems of poets were generally published in the poetry collection and those were chosen from different fields such as tasavvufi, rindane or hikemi according to the aesthetic sense of the compositor. There are 9 muamma and 8 lugaz written in different verse modes.

Poetry collection, Classic Turkish Poetry, MESTAP.

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