The Evaluations on The Establishment for The Copy Group and Text with The Criticism of A Bulky Work Which Has Got Many Manuscript Copies; The Sample of Künh el-Akhbar
The criticism of the historical texts, which are transcripted
by hand, on the base of their publishing that is
close to their origin is very important in terms of
transfering the information to the next generation without
the deterioration. The stemmatology on the base of making
a family tree from the point of the manuscript copies’
common and distinctive mistakes is a science which is the
complement of text criticism. The speculative studies
related to the text criticism and stemmatology accelerated
in our country in the recent period. Each of the manuscript
works has got the specific features. Some of the historical
books that their content is bulky have been inherited with
many manuscripts to today. As the material of content and
manuscript copies in those works have the great numbers,
it is very difficult to deal only with the data of text criticism
and stemmatology. A publisher who will publish such a
work should get the better of the work, life of the author, the language and wording features of the author and
century, the literal period’s principles and historical
information that the work is involved with the main
recognitions of the text criticism and stemmatology.
He/she should know that a text that he/she will compare it
with its 3-5 copies will include the deficiencies than the
work which is made by an editor in accordance with the
text criticism’s well-known bases. The general history book
with the name of Künh el-Akhbar of Mustafa Ali who is
from Gelibolu is one of the bulky books with the numerous
copies in Turkish literature. In this article, the evaluations
will be made about making the copy group of the bulky
books which have the numerous copies, through the sample
of Künh el-akhbar; a new method will be offered in order to
prevent that the factors such as the publisher’s sentence,
paragraph, poem to make a text with the criticism of such
works are kept out of the text.
text criticism, stemmatology, Künh el-Akhbar