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A Journey From The Hadith Referring to The Utterance “Allah Has Created Adam In The Image of His Own”, Which Constitutes The Basis of Islamic Sufism Theory, to Myths With Reference to Ottoman Literary Texts
When sources to breed classical Turkish poetry are considered, Islamic sources such as the Kor’an (Qur’an), hadiths and hermeneutic texts are the first to mention, which are followed by Sufism, the prophet Mohammad and the lives of the evliya (saints), Persian mythology and domestic materials. Undoubtedly, all of the above mentioned sources are prominent cultural components that have deeply influenced classical Turkish poetry and their influences can directly be traced in literary texts. Islamic Sufism has a great influence on Ottoman literature although there have been arguments about the origins of Islamic Sufism and the inspiring sources. This influence can be traced not only in the texts which celebrate the joy of endeavours to make a mystical feeling a lifestyle and advise such a lifestyle, but also in those which human love and the beloved are explicitly mentioned from an aesthetical viewpoint. Therefore, the effect of Islamic Sufism on Ottoman literature should not be considered restricted to Sufi texts that have been written with a propagandist approach. The hadith referring to the utterance “Allah has created Adam in the image of His own” is one of the foundations of the idea of fate in Islamic Sufism, glorifying humanity with an emphasis that man is the most honourable creature. This hadith has led to arguments among theologists and they have questioned the reality of the hadith. The study does not cover the assessment of the hadith in view of hadith studies. In this paper, it is attempted to point out the similarities between the idea of “Allah has created Adam in the image of His own”, which is the core of the argument, and myths of creation in the Middle Eastern myths and the mythological influence on mystical understandings.

Ottoman Literature, myths of creation, Islamic Sufism, the hadith referring to the utterance “Allah

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