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A Mystical Booklet About the Secrets of Ablution: "“Terceme-i Esrâr-ı Vuzû‘”
The ablutions is to clean certain organs in a way that they can do certain worship and to clean up some of them by means of mesh by those who belong to Islamic religion. The ablution is expressed in the word "vuzu" which means "beauty and cleanliness" in Arabic. This word does not take place in the Qur'an, although many of the hadiths pass through it. The words expressing cleansing and purification in the Qur'an are derived from the roots of "intelligence" and "evil", and both roots are more spiritual cleansing. In this study, it is a translation of a small Arabic book written about the ablution named "Risale fi Beyani Esrari’l-Vuzuiz-Zahiriyye vel-Maneviyye" by Cemal-i Halveti (d. This translation was taken by Emirzade Veliyüddin Merasi in the name of "Terceme-i Esrar-ı Vuzu" in 1852-53 on a fairly simple level. The Risalee ablution was classified as seven chapters, building up the visual. In addition to the secrets of ablution, the subjects such as ingenuity, spiritual ablution, relationship between natural ablution and exquisite artifacts were also tried to be explained by supporting with verses and hadiths. In the study, "Terceme-i Esrar-ı Vuzu" was explained in detail, and at the end of the study, the treaty was presented to the translator.

Cemâl-i Halveti, Abdest, Terceme-i Esrar-ı Vuzu‘.

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