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Sıyâmî’s Antakya Şehrengiz
The şehrengiz, about which the researchers in the Classical Turkish Literature have different opinions on the source of this genre, is the poetical work which tells about the social situations. These works which have been started to be written up since the XVI. century and in a short span of time witnessing to the social life of the era they have been written, are ottoman poetry’s window to the world. Being the cities about which the most the şehrengizs are written have been İstanbul, Bursa, Edirne, they have been determined yet some of their texts are not present. One of the şehrengizs written in the Turkish Literature was the Antakya Şehrengizi of Sıyâmî, who was a XVI. century poet and negatively cited in some sources. In this şehrengiz, consisting of 89 verses, which was written according to the masnavi poetry genre, and between the 2a and 5b leafs of Sıyâmî’s Divan, 20 beauties were cited who were living in Antakya. In our study, the şehrengiz was translated and some examinations were made on that work, which was registered in the poet’s divan at Atatürk University Seyfeddi

Classical Turkish Literature, şehrengiz, Sıyâmî, Antakya.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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