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Conversion of Narration From Poetry to Prose: Example of Dâsitân-ı Ferruh u Hümâ
In this study, it’s aimed to examine the process of poetical text’s being transferred into the prose by means of the literary work considering Dâsitân-ı Ferruh u Hümâ as an example. Furthermore it’s aimed to analyze the narration features and varying aspects in narration in poetical and prose styles. Within this framework, by comparing these two texts, it’s aimed to determine the variations at the level of words, expression, sentence and text and identify the common points in texts. Based upon to the similarities and contrasts that are composed at the end of the comparison of two texts, its aimed to specify the priorities of writers and readers of both poetical and prose texts. On the one hand, this study reveals the signs that the source of Dâsitân-ı Ferruh u Hümâ is another literary work called Işk-nâme and on the other hand it’s being questioned to what extent the text is original. Dâsitân-ı Ferruh u Hümâ completely consists with Isk-nâme, which is the source text in matters such as fiction, characters, time and space. Nonetheless it can also be regarded as a unique work in terms of things like words, expanding and sometimes narrowing the narration depending on the style of the period, conversion of the language and style in accordance with the period in which it was produced.

poetical texts, prose texts, Dâsitân-ı Ferruh u Hümâ, Işk-nâme

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