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Types of Clauses in the Divan of Fahreddîn-i Irâki
Fahreddîn-i Irâki is one of the mystic poets who lived between the years of 610-688 (1213-1289). He has grown in a sophisticated, cultured, respectable family and has learned all the mental and other sciences of the time at the level of teaching them. He has written works in prose and verse such as Uşşâknâme, Lema‘ât and Dîvân. He has written his works under the influence of mysticism through amatory and sagacious language; narrated the secrets of monotheism, true love and absolute beauty. Hard and incomprehensible side of poetry are few and words are often used in their usual sense. He was under the influence of poets like Senâî, Attâr, Mevlana and Sadî, and found indemnifications from their poems. Some poets who came after him like Hafiz and Câmi have taken of him as a model. This study is conducted by using the Vocabulary and Sentence in the Divan of Fahreddîn-i Irâkî (PhD Dissertation) which is based on the divan published with the name of Mecmûa-i Âsâr-i Fahreddîn-i Irâki (Tahran 1372 hş.).The study includes an introductory section and two chapters. In the introductory section, after the life of Fahreddîn- i Irâki have been told shortly, clauses and its types of Persian language have been analysed with examples of Divân and at the end of couplets, page and couplet number have been given.

Fahreddîn-i Irâki, Uşşâknâme, Lema‘ ât, Dîvân, clauses and its types.

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