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The Influence of Persian Language on Intellectuals During Ottoman Empire’s Last Period and Ibnü`l-Emin Mahmud Kemal
Many Turkish rulers like Seljuks or Ghaznavids used Persian as a written standard language. In Shah-Name books the Sultan’s victories were recorded. Celebrations on the occasions of a circumcision or wedding were depicted in Persian miniature. In spite of the wars and hostilities continuing for centuries between the two Empires, some of the Ottoman Sultans wrote poems in Persian language. Many Persian artists stayed in the Palace and pursued their activities there. Besides these occupations, language was being also investigated scientifically and works on grammar and dictionaries were being published. The number of these books is incredibly high. Besides that, commentaries and explanations, footnotes to the monumental Persian works, as well as books about this must not be omitted. The numerous publications of İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal in which he has critically disputed with predominantly historical Turkish coevals pointed out mistakes and or incomplete representation of historical persons or connections and conducted a corresponding correction. Sometimes he wrote a hole opus to disprove such a mistake. Ibnü’l-emin Mahmud Kemal Inals work: „The Ottoman Empires last vizier“ involves persian poetries and maxims. It’s exemplary for other intellectual people’s works in time of Ottoman Empire. This indicates to influence of persian language. The influence of Persian language to Ottoman people was tested in different works. The short explanation shows the authors Ibnü`lemin Mahmud Kemal Inals life, work and interest to Persian language.

Ibnülemin Mahmud Kemal Inal, The Ottoman Empires last vizier, Influence of Persian language.

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