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Negative Views about Marriage in Classical Turkish Literature
Contrary to a popular opinion, Classical Turkish Literature is a literature which is directly connected with the social life and it also possesses materials about any feeling and thought in the community. This wealth of topic shows itself in the variety of the literary genres. One of the issues which the poets discourse with reference to the social life is the concept of marriage. Marriage which is very necessary for a healthy social life and for the continued of the generation is a condition which is generally encouraged. However, some poets by glorifying to remain single have opposed to the marriage. They have shared their reasoned negative views about marriage with the other people. The poets which opposed to marriage, may have experienced any problem and for this to give advice to the other people against marriage. The negative expressions about marriage shared in this article, are not general judgement of the society or the poets of this period; but they are just personal opinion of some poets. In this article under three titles; the woman perception of some poets, the marriage perception, and their views in cases where the marriage is inevitable, were shared with sample verses, and also the verses have translated by us to today’s Turkish as prose. And in the end, additionally were given two gazelles concerning woman /private parts and marriage/matrimony.

Classical Literature, Divan Poet, Marriage, Matrimony, Wedlock, Woman.

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