Menâkıb-ı Kemâl Ümmî and Bolu
Manaqibnames have a significiant place in Turkish
Literature. In these types of works, epic life of a wali’s is
descibed. Lovers/Darvish Ahmed’s book “Menâkıb-ı Kemâl
Ümmî” is one of the works mentioned above.
According to Menâkıb-ı Kemâl Ümmî, mystic poet
Kemâl Ümmî came from Khorasan then settled and lived
in Bolu province till his death. In this work, there are
information about geography and people lived in that
period on the occasion of Kemâl Ümmî’s manaqib.
In this study, geographical locations and the people
named in Menâkıbnâme are discussed. In light of these
information, it is intended to contribute to the elucidation
of the past and correct understanding of today.
Manaqib/Menâkıb, Lovers Darvish Ahmed, Kemâl Ümmî, Bolu, XV. Century.