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Local Geography of The Local Poet: Place Names in the Poetry of Rahimi of Kutahya
In Divan literature it is possible to come across different movements of style. Styles such as classical style, sebk-i Hindi (Indian style), hikemi uslup (didactic style), localization have been influential in the shaping of poets' literary identities and of contents in their poetry. Among these styles, localization, which can be defined as loving and dealing with the local, becoming aware of the language of the local and of Istanbul, reflecting the features of utterance, has been influential on poets in every period. One of the poets who wrote their poems in line with this style is Rahimi of Kutahya. One of the poets of the sixteenth century, Rahimi attracts attention with local elements in his poetry in that century. As a poet who visited different cities in Anatolia, Rahimi abundantly included local geography in his poetry. The poet included nineteen different cities of Anatolia 130 times. He dealt with Anatolia with the cities he lived in, with its rivers, seas, mountains, recreation areas and he tried to make use of all kinds of connotations provided by geography. In Divan literature geography is mostly used within a relationship between lover and beloved in the context of place-man union. The poet, who dealt with geography through historical references within historical events and elements, includes geography occasionally in its real sense and occasionally as a decorative instrument. Thus, geography takes its place in poetry as an element of connotation that forms the basis for different figures of speech the poet uses such as double-entendre, pun, personification, simile and iham. This study examined first of all the relation of

Rahimi of Kutahya, localization, Anatolian geography, place-poet relation, place names.

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