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Üzerine/“May the Hand of That Author Who Writes Incorrectly Wither Like A Pen” or About the Verse Samples in Lügat-ı Cudi
Lügat-ı Cudi (The Dictionary of Cudi) is prepared by İbrahim Cudi Efendi (1863-1926). It is published in Trabzon by Kitapçı Hamdi (Hamdi the Book Dealer) in 1913. The dictionary has a distinctive place amongst the dictionaries prepared at its time because of the verse and prose samples it contains. Lügat-ı Cudi, was published by Turkish Language Association in 2006 and presented to the use of scholars; however it is impossible to use it efficiently because of the inherent big mistakes. The mistakes in the translation of Arabic and Persian verse samples and the Turkish samples are identified in this article. These mistakes that are classified under several titles are completed with a “right / wrong table” at the end of the study.

Lügat-ı Cudi (The Dictionary of Cudi) is prepared by İbrahim Cudi Efendi (1863-1926). It is publishe

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