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Reality Imaginations in Mesnevis in Respect of its Sources in the Light of Symbolic Texts
Each work of art contains the essence of reality. Accordingly, the cost of creating a fictional world, is to test the perception of reality. At the beginning of perception there comes the concept of "dream". Compared with the position where the other perception of reality of dream, especially in our classical poetry, followed a different path from today's fiction understanding that will arise when examined. Reality emphasis is also considered the cornerstone of the philosophy of mystical stories such as Budalaname of Kaygusuz Abdal who was trained in culture of some madrasas as also in some other types of text encountered in a wide range. This proves that no doubt constitutes an important reality of Sufism. Divan poetry often, especially with relation to the handling mesnevis mystical treatise on the reality of the prominent Islamic cultural landscape format, hardly been addressed. However, comparison of the perception of reality in this mesnevis texts, poems, and thus will contribute to the understanding of the Court in the Mathnawi. As far as reality construct is concerned, it's possible to speak of a reality that sits at the base of mesnevis basis. What kind of reality constructs are in question besides the definitions of farazia, utopia and surrealism?In this study, we will question the perception of reality in the act of perception of reality in Mathnawis.

Mathnawi, traveler, reality, sufizm, love.

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