Nakş and Nakkaş in Divan Literature 1: First Era
Mani, the founder of Manichaeism, in his lifetime wrote
his teachings in a book called “Erjeng” and he ornamented
a chapter of his book with drawings describing the
universe. Since drawings in “Erjeng” are so beautiful, the
book was shown as a miracle coming from the sky and
therefore Mani was attributed to be a miniaturist. That
illustrated periodical which consists of seven inscriptions
and an illustration chapter is also known as “Nigâr”,
“Nigâristan”, “Engelyûn” or “Erteng”.
Also within the
Mani, Erjeng, nakş (miniature), nakkaş (miniaturist), Kadı Burhaneddin, Şeyhî, Ahmed Paşa, Necati Be