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A Poet Fond to Paronomasia in the Period of Muhammad the II’th: Khafî
In this article firstly we have mentioned about era of the Conquerer Sultan Muhammad the II’th. Shortly we have talked about his political and military successes. Later we have emphasized that Fatih Sultan Muhammad supported artists and poets. In the first chapter on the light of biographical sources we have written biography of Khafî who is one of the most important poets of the Fatih Sultan Muhammadian era and not very well knovn. After that we have talked about Khafî’s penname, we mentioned he is from Edirne which is one of the most important cultural centers of Ottoman Empire. We have focused on the fact that Fatih Sultan Muhammad supported Khafî. Fallowing this we have dealt with the problem about whether Khafî is an illeterate person or not. Because according to biographical sources although he is an illeterate person he has written poems in classical style. In the second chapter we have mentioned about Khafî’s Works. One of them is Zâd al-Maâd written in verse and about biography of the prophet Muhammad. After that we have analysed the second literary work of Khafî is his Divan - collection of poetry-. There are two manuscript copies of Dîvan we have described. One of them is in National Library of Russia in Saint Petersbourg and the other is in Zagreb Science and Art Academy Library. Lastly we have underlined that Khafî loved using paranomasia in his poetry and given some examples of it.

Khafî, Divan, Paronomasia, Fatih Sultan Muhammad, Zâd al-Meâd.

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