Bir Hulasa Denemesi: Cevrî ve Selîmnâme’si
(An Attempt of Abridgement: Cevri’s Selimname
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Cevrî İbrahim Çelebi 17. yüzyılda yaşamış önemli şahsiyetlerden
biridir. Gençliğinde iyi bir tahsil gören
Cevrî’nin günümüze ulaşan yazılarından usta bir talik
kırması hattatı olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bir süre
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cevrî, Selimname, Şükrî, ihya/yeniden yazım.
Cevrî İbrahim Çelebi is a famous poet of the 17th century.
Cevrî was well educated person and he was also a
important “talik” calligrapher. He earned his living by
calligraphy. He also had important works. His works are
Selimname, Divan, Hilye-i çehar yar-ı güzin that is
written by influence of Hakanî’s Hilye, Hall-i tahkikat,
Aynu’l-füyuz’u, Nazm-ı niyaz, Melhame that is written
by rewriting or recreating of Yazıcı Salih’s Melhame.
Selimname is one of his well-known works, coming out
with the same title based on Şükrî’s Selimname. Şükrî
wrote his work twice. First, he wrote his work by the
words of Şehsüvaroğlu Ali Bey and his own observation.
Second, after the death of Ali Bey, Koçi Bey asked Şükrî to
rewrite content of this work. This paper will focus firstly
on selimname as a literary genre in Turkish tradition,
touching upon Şükrî’s Selimname as well. Then it will
examine Cevrî’s work, especially his introduction where
he talks about his intention to recreate (ihya) Şükrî’s
Selimname with a special focus on phrases and terminology
Cevrî used. My main intention is to put certain
concepts into discussion and to examine possible changes
that may appear as a result of Cevrî’s intention of
recreating Şükrî’s Selimname.
Cevrî, Selimname, Şükrî, recreate/rewrite.