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One of the Last Period Ottoman Authors and Rome Embassy Imam Haşim Veli’s Mawlid Paraphrase: ‘Birth Mystery of Last Prophet /Muhammed Mustafa’
Süleyman Celebi’s work which is called Vesiletü’n Nejat is one of the most uncommon work, which represents the pure love to Muhammed Mustafa (last Prophet) with a poem verse in Anatolian Region/geography. With its common name ‘Mawlid’ ,which was read with a big fancy in every century, has become indispensable tradition of Holy nights and special days. This work, which articulates minds and hearts, is accepted as one of the original sample of ‘Sehl-i Mümteni’. Some paraphrases were written to the work in various periods. One of these was the work of Rome Embassy Haşim Veli, about whom we do not know a lot of things, called ‘Birth Mystery of Last Prophet /Muhammed Mustafa’. In this study, Haşim Veli’s Mawlid paraphrase has been translated into the Latin characters and a general evaluation has been done on the composition.

Haşim Veli, Süleyman Çelebi, Mevlid şerhi.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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