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Mavlana and Mavlawi in a Book Named Ruh-i Macruh of Kaytaz-zada Nazım
Kaytaz-zada Mehmed Nazim Efendi, was born in 1857 in Nicosia-Cyprus and died in 1924, is a importand figure and poet written poems with style of classical Turkish poetry and man of letters. Kaytaz-zada has got two novels named “Yadigar-i Muhabbat” and “Layla-i Visal” , also has got a drama named “Safa yahut Netice-i Ibtila”, except the poets that are published as the name “Ruh-ı Macruh” by Harid Fedai and Bekir Azgın. Enough and valuable knowledge is given in the “preface” wrıtten to “Ruh-ı Macruh” that contains the poems of Kaytaz-zada Mehmed Nazim, by Bekir Azgın and in the study titled “Kaytaz-zada’s Life and Art” written by Harid Fedai. We are going to try to evaluate the poems and verses about Mavlana and Mavlawi that are involved in the poems of a Mavlawi poet, Kaytaz-zada Mehmed Nazim as pointed at above. We’ve proved in these verses that Kaytaz-zada has included Mesnevi, nay, sema, and Şams-i Tabrizi as Mavlawi, the elements of Mavlawi and the superior characteristics of Mavlana. According to this, Mavlawi is a rope that has to be held hardly. Poet has used the phrases and words “Hazrat-i Hunkar”, “Hazrat-i Monla”, “Hazrat-i Monla-yı Rum”, “Murshid- i Rum”,“Pir”, “Dargah-i Pir”, and “Shah” for Mavlana. All these phrases are suitable to express the knowledge, beliefs and the maturity of Mavlana, and most used phrases for Mavlana. Mesnevi is a treasure of wisdom. Nay is compared with lover. Sema is the ritual of Mavlawis. Şams-i Tabrizi is a rescuer mentor for poet..

Kaytaz-zada Mehmed Nazim, Mavlana, Mavlavi, Mesnevi, sema, Şams-i Tabrizi.

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