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REFLECTIONS FROM BAYKARA ASSEMBLY -Literary Assemblies, Events Developing Around Vâsıfî 7-
Bedâyi’u’l-vekâyi’, written in Persian by Zeynüddîn-i Vâsıfî, draws attention especially with the extensive and important information it contains on Turkish culture and social life. In this work, which is very important for the history of Turkish culture in this respect, various assemblies reflecting the identity and characteristics of the literary assemblies, organized at different places, especially in Transoxiana and Turkistan, were included and described. In this study, the translation of the assemblies in Bedâyi'u'l-vekâyi, which shed light on the literary assemblies of that period and to which Vâsıfî personally attended, will be included. One of these assemblies was held in Mollâ-zâde-i Mücellid's shop, located in the herbalists' market of Semekand. The distinguished people and poets of the period participated in this assembly. Others are the assemblies organized by Hâce Hâşimî, and in which the important poets and distinguished people of the period participated. In addition, the events surrounding the enmity and conflict between Mevlânâ İsâmuddîn-i İbrâhîm and Vâsıfî-i Herâtî and their students were also included. The Persian, Arabic, and Turkish poems by Vâsıfî and other poets draws attention here. These poems are mostly ghazals and odes. Some of them are written nazires. Apart from the historical poems, there is also an Arabic letter in verse.

Poetry assembly, nazire, praise poem, satire, historical poem, letter in verse.

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