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REFLECTIONS FROM THE BAYKARA ASSEMBLY -Scientific and Literary Assemblies-Historical Events-Stories 5-
Written in Persian by Zeynüddîn-i Vâsıfî, Bedâyi’u’l-vekâyi’ draws attention especially with its extensive and important information on Turkish culture and social life. This study includes the translation of four chapters of Bedâyi’u’l-vekâyi’, which shed light on Turkish culture in the Turkistan geography. The first of these chapters is about the situation of Mevlânâ Hacı-i Tebrîzî, some events that took place around him, and a scientific debate. The second is about three gazel-i tabl-i bâz written upon request in the assembly organized by Şeyhülislam Hâce Hâşimî in the village of Esfîdmûn and about Vâsıfî’s being tested without noticing to write poems on three different topics by improvising. The third is about the meeting of Kâtibî-i Nîşâbûrî and Baba Sevdâî under the auspices of Mîrzâ Baysungur and about the first encounter between Mîrzâ Baysungur and Baba Sevdaî and some events that took place between them. Finally, the fourth is about the reading of Emîr Sultân Celâlüddîn-i Mergînânî’s nazire (a poem written in the same form, meter, rhyme, and redif by another poet in response to a poet’s poem) in response to Abdulvâsi’-i Cebelî’s “çâr-der-çâr/çâr-ender-çâr qasida” in the assembly organized by Sultân Muhammed-i Bahâdır Han and the evaluation of this poem by Vâsıfî at the request of those in it. This chapter also includes the evaluations made by Vâsıfî on some of the poems of Asafi, Hilâlî, Ehlî, Herâtî, Rûhî, Mukbilî, and Riyâzî read in the assembly.

Assembly, poetry assembly, poetry, Kâtibî-i Nîşâbûrî, Baba Sevdâî, social life.

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