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The Poems Published in Mamuretülaziz Newspaper (Ottoman Period/ Turkey National Library Collection)
Mamuretülaziz Newspaper started to be published in 1883 to inform people about government policies and to convey news in the region. One purpose of the newspaper was to raise the awareness of the public. Although the broadcasting period was interrupted from time to time, it continued to be published until 1928. In the first years, many poems were published in Mamuretülaziz Newspaper. Thus, the newspaper became a center where local poets publish their poems and are aware of each other. The poems and literary writings published in the newspaper contain important information about the Harput/Mamuretülaziz culture and literature world of the period. However, in the evaluations about the cultural identity of this place, the literature in Mamuretülaziz Newspaper has been neglected. Although the divans of the famous poets Rahmî and Hayri Efendi were published, the fact that the poems published in the newspaper is not included here is the most important indicator of this negligence. Since the newspaper does not have a complete collection, I wrote this article based on the Ottoman period numbers in the Turkey National Library. In the article, besides the important poets of Harput, the poems of other poets whose names are forgotten are included. Some of these poets have official duties such as governorship and clerkship. I believe that the evaluations to be made without seeing the poems published in Mamuretülaziz Newspaper will be incomplete.

Mamuretülaziz Newspaper, poem.

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