Eylemişler Râsih’e Bühtân Bühtân Üstüne: The Revision of the Knowledge on the Works of Râsih of Balıkesir
Ahmed Râsih Bey, a descendant of Zağanos Pasha, who served as the Grand Vizier during the reign of Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror, is a poet and an author who lived in the second half of the XVIIth century and first quarter of the XVIIIth century. As a member of an aristocratic family, Râsih was known with a ghazal with the redif “üstüne” attributed to him in the history of classical Turkish literature. The first scientific study devoted to him was carried out by Şakir Diclehan in 1980. After this study, which was an important starting point, some other studies were conducted on Râsih, the last one being in 2019. However, in most of these, there are serious mistakes and deficiencies regarding the life and works of Râsih of Balıkesir and his positioning in the history of literature, since the primary sources are not used, and even the study of Diclehan, which was the starting point for researches on the poet, is not used. This study reveals the results of the researches on the works of Râsih to correct these mistakes and complete these deficiencies. As a result of this researches, the Dîvânçe-i Tevârîh or the private mecmûa of Râsih, which contains important information about his other works was determined. In this article; the works of the poet were reconsidered by using Bülgatü'l-Ahbâb or his mecmua as reference, which is mentioned in the literature but its information is not taken into consideration. For this aim, in the first part of the study, a critical evaluation of the studies on Râsih will be made, and then his works will be introduced one by one.
Classical Turkish Literature, Râsih of Balıkesir, Bulgatu’l-Ahbâb, the mecmua of Râsih.