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Osman Şikloşî’s Persian-Turkish Poetic Dictionary
In language teaching, especially with the aim of facilitating Arabic and Persian language teaching, the Anatolian field poetic dictionaries have been written since the beginning of the 15th century. In these dictionaries written by aruz prosody mesnevi and nazm nazım types are usually preferred. Some ethnicities’ dictionaries which were culturally and geographically tied to Ottomans such as Albanian-Turkish Bosnian-Turkish, Bulgarian-Turkish, Armenian-Turkish, French-Turkish, Greek-Turkish and especially Arabic-Turkish, Persian-Turkish were written. The text which the subject of this article is a Persian-Turkish verse dictionary that is written by Osman Şikloşî. In this study, it has been strived to unveil the hidden aspects of Şikloşi’s dictionary and transcripted version of the original work. There is only one copy of text of the dictionary. The copy is registered in the National Library 06 Mil Yz A 2267/2. According to the copy that is not known the exact date, in the text consisting of 222 couplets has 887 Persian words are given Turkish equivalent. Text includes 18 poems. The writing date of the text is unclear but probably Şikloşî’s dictionry was written in the second half of the 16th century and the first half of the 17th century. There is no information about the author Osman Şikloşî in the sources.

Dictionary, Poetic dictionary, Persian-Turkish, Osman Şikloşî.

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