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From Monologue to Polyphony: I Said-Said Method in Cem Sultan Poem
Art, through different means of expression, implicitly or explicitly conveys those of the artist's self. In poetry, the power of speech can be shaped in the direction of the poet's choice and . The language of classical literature is traditional and normative. Within this tradition, language has a poetic function. Poets have not used language for centuries for one way. Classical poets reflected the communicative nature of poetry in their works. At the same time, they enter the way of communicating with ‘other’ people through their poetry. In this way, they talk to themselves and take advantage of the multi-dimensional means of communication. Cem Sultan adheres to the tradition of classical poetry, but he also applied his special preferences in poetry writing technique. Cem Sultan, in his poetic language, not only shows his artistry, but also allows his individuality to reach conclusions. In this context, the poet's remark on the Turkish Dıvan I said-said. Cem Sultan uses the method of I said-said in his poems as a message conductor. The poet emphasizes the subject ‘me’ and ‘you’ with this particular saying. The poet who speaks to him in such couplets also reflects the spirit of society. The poet who frequently asks his interlocutor does not keep his reader away from the text. After the question and answer method, the poet takes his readers to the point he wants to reach. Cem Sultan frequently uses the concept of ‘dream’ in his lyrics in I said-said. Cem Sultan expresses his fears, confrontation with life, happiness or stance in the face of the cruelty of life with I said-said. The poet establishes a dialogue with his interlocutors through traditional poetry and thus provides polyphony in his poetry. In this study, as a poet, in Cem Sultan’s lyric, I said-he/she said , the use of words from monophonic to polyphonic is emphasized.

Cem Sultan, I said-said, dream, monologue, polyphony.

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