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What is Changed When A Text is Rewritten: The Case Of Dâfı‘ Al-Huzn And Mahzan Al-Asrâr
The debate of pleasure-giving substances such as opium, bersh, hashish, boza, wine and coffee is the most written topic in Turkish debate literature. In this genre, these subtances fight for superiority over others by means of personification. Dâfi‘ al-Huzn is a hitherto unknown link of the genre. This anonym work is the first rewriting of Nidâî’s Mubâhasât-ı Mukeyyifât. Dâfi‘ al-Huzn was rewritten in mathnawi form by Vardarlı Fazlî with the title of Mahzan al-Asrâr. This paper aims to determine what kind of changes can be made in the rewritten works by giving Mahzan al-Asrâr as an example. For this purpose firstly the source text and its rewriting have been introduced, their contents have been illuminated comparatively, the relationship between them has been explained and the place of Dâfi‘ al-Huzn in Turkish debate literature has been determined. Then, in the case of Mahzan al-Asrâr, how and how much the source text can be changed during the rewriting process has been evaluated under different headings and the findings have been supported by examples from other works. In addition, during these evaluations, the answers to the questions for the purpose of the changes made on the source text and why Dâfi‘ al-Huzn was transferred into poetry have been sought. Finally, Dâfi‘ al-Huzn has been transcripted.

Fazlî of Vardar, debate, pleasure-giving substances, rewriting, Shiitization.

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