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The Translation of Terceme-i Menâkıb-ı Ahmed el- Bedevî of Veffâk Mehmed Hıfzı Üsküdarî
Menakibnames, which are written in order to introduce the Sufi greats and to explain their lives and miracles, are among the most original works of Islamic Turkish literature. The work named as Tercemei i Menakib-i Ahmed Bedevi-which was written in a literary language by Veffak Mehmed Hifzi Usküdari is about the life of Seyyid Ahmed Bedevi, one of the important figures in the history of Islam and Sufism. Scholar and sufist Veffak Mehmet Hifzi Uskudari, who lived in 17th century, formed Seyyid Ahmed Bedevi’s menkibes on the conditions of those days, by examining Arabic works of him. Veffak, firstly translated 62 couplets of Seyyid Ahmed Bedevi and then finished the work by annotating at the end of the Menakibname. In our work, firstly it is going to be mentioned briefly the menakibnames as a source of our cultural history. After that it is going to be given information about Veffak Mehmet Hifzi Üskudari and Seyyid Ahmed Bedevi also the work Terceme-i Menakib-i Ahmed is going to be introduced.

Menkıbe, translation, Terceme-i Menâkıb-ı Ahmed el- Bedevî, Veffâk Mehmed Hıfzı Üsküdarî.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
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Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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