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Reflections from Baykara's Gathering -Literary Gatherings 1-
Maveraünnehir (Mâwarâ’ an-Nahr/Transoxania) and the Turkistan regionareamong the leading geographical regions where the Turkish culture and civilization have been formed and developed. The Turkish sultans who ruled those lands, their high official sandeducatedelites of the society woul dorganise meeting storecite and discusspoetry, which were later known as the Baykara Meclisleri (literary gathering sorganised by Baykara), and those gatherings had greatin fluence on the formative period of Turkish culture and civilization in thoselands. The Bedâyi’u’l-vekâyi by Zeynuddîn Mahmûd-ı Vâsıfî is one of the important workswhich gives information about the characteristics of those meetings. This article will examine the literary gathering smentioned in Vâsıfî'swork, with a particularfocus on theonedatedto 14 February 1514, and some other sorganised in thefollowing days.

majlis, literarygatherings of Bayqara, poetry, lügaz, muamma, story, award

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