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A Ramadaniyye Shedding Light on the Scarcity in the XVIII. Century Istanbul and Its Effects on Social Life
It is possible to catch the traces of social life in some works written in the field of Ottoman literature. Some poets had written poems under the name of "Ramadaniyya" with advent of holy Ramadan and they had worked on the influence of this spiritual month on people. One of them was Abdulbaki Effendi who was a mudarris in the first half of 18th. century. But the remarkable aspect of his poem was describing the scarcity of neccessaries and its effects on the social life of the Ottoman Empire with a literary style. Abdulbaki Effendi used a rich depiction in his poem and inclued dialogues as well when the occasion arosed. Idioms and expressions are used to enpower the word which extanted until today are remarkable. Later, that poem with 131 couplet are presented to grand vizier Hekimoglu Ali Pasha. This article shows the reflection of famine which was in the first half of 18th century on Ottoman chronicles and archive records. Full text of "Ramadaniyya" is given and the remarkable sides are analyzed.

Ramadaniyye, Hekimoglu Ali Pasha, social life in the Ottoman Empire, XVIII. century

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