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The Work of Mr. Senayi Called Suleymaniyye
One of the most prominent types of the sixteenth century, when the Ottoman Empire was at its peak in many ways, was the Suleyman-namas. These works, which are the continuation of the Selimnames written for Selim I, are important examples of Ottoman historiography. In addition, Suleyman-namas, which are expected to give a high level of correct and sound information about the most longterm and magnificent period of the Ottoman Empire, are worthy of being studied in literary, social, military, religious and economic aspects. It was known that ten Suleyman-namas, six of which were in verses and four of which were in poems depicting expeditions and holy wars of Sultan, were written by the scribes who lived in the same period with Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. The Suleymaniyye of Mr. Senayi, written in verse, was also written during this period and is about the first half of the period of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. In the work which is understood to be written based on the information obtained from the attendants of the sultan, Sultan Suleyman’s expeditions to the East and to the West, wars and conquests are described. The book contains two copies, one of which is determined by us, along with its literary value, it is an original source for the first half of the Kanuni period in terms of its housing policy, its administrative structure, the condition of the army and its sections. Suleymaniyye, written in mathnawi verse form, is composed of 3526 couplets. The work which started with the Belgrade expedition in 1521 ended in 1538 with the Kara Bogdan (Moldavia) expedition. In this article, it was focused on the identity of Mr. Senayi; copies of Suleymaniyye were introduced and information regarding figure features and contents were given.

Suleyman-nama, Suleymaniyye, Mr. Senayi, Suleyman the Magnificent, Mathnawi.

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