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A Projection of Hagia Sophia as a Cultural Value from the 17th Century to the Present: Nabi’s Hagia Sophia Redefined Lyric
The sacred concept has always existed as a value since the first creation of human’s story. Through the sacred, tradition or belief, generations are transmitted from generation to generation. When things that are sacred are combined with beliefs in tradition, certain values are seen to have been spiritual dimensions for centuries. Temples are sacred places built in the lives of primitive societies from people of almost every culture up to the samawee religions, in accordance with their purpose. Haghia Sophia was accepted as a sacred place by different cultures from the time it was first built. .Ayasophia is the oldest sanctuaries of the holy ones that artfully integrated and also marked the appearance of Istanbul. Which is often found in literary works Nabi has a Hagia Sophia redefine lyric too. In the Nabi lyric, Hagia Sophia is described as a place where Muslims gather and as a spirit place. Nabi, Haghophia has remained far from artistic narration in order to understand the spiritual atmosphere belonging to Hagia Sophia in the redife gazel. With the couplets in the Nabi gazelas, it is almost a projection that Hagia Sophia will always exist as a 'value' for centuries before.

sacred, temple, Hagia Sophia, Nabi, lyric.

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