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About The Idioms In Askî’s Heft Peyker Masnavi
Askî's Heft Peyker mesnevi from fifteenth century is a translation with slight differences of the Nizâmî-i Gencevî’s Heft Peyker. The year of writing is 861 / 1456- 57. The single manuscript is in the British Library in London. The work has a separate prescription in that it is the first translation available today from Nizâmî's work in Anatolia. With this aspect, this study is an example for the other poets who writes Heft Peyker after Aşkî. The text containing 5043 couplets is written in the measure of “fâ^ilâtün fâ^ilâtün fâ^ilün”. Idioms can be defined as the stereotyped expressions that ocur with the possibilities of daily speech. In this study, the expressions in Askî's work were identified and compared with the expressions in Nizâmi's work. Accordingly, examples have been pointed out from two works as to whether or not the idioms are in Nizâmî’s work and which translation methods used for them. In addition, idioms composed of Turkish words in Askî are listed and idioms are found in Askî and are not included in Nizâmi's work have been identified. With this work, it was revealed that how faithful the poet and where he went to change when he translate from the original text.

Aski, Haft Paikar, Heft Peyker, masnavi, idiom, expression, translation.

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