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The Prose and Verse Translation of Bûsîrî (d. 696/1297 ?)’s Qaseedat-ul-Burdah by Diyarbakırlı Mehmed Said Pasha (ö. 1308/1892)
The qasida is the poems which are written specific composition in order to praise. On general, the aim of the qasidas is to praise the presented person in the part of madhiyah (eulogize) on an artistic way. The main purpose and center of the qasidas is placed to the eulogy. One of the written qasida which is praise of Beloved Prophet (d. 11/632), it is Banet Suad that placed on the first couplet written by Kab b. Zuhayr (d. 24/645 ?) and also it’s known as the Qaseedat-ul-Burdah has a critical importance. This work is the pioneer work which was written for Beloved Prophet inspired also Busiri’s (696/ 1297?) qasida. Busiri's work is famous generally as Kasidatu’l- Burdah, Kasida-i Burde, Kasîde-i Bür’e in spite of the fact that it's real name is el-Kevâkibü’d-Dürriyye fî Medhi Hayri’l-Beriyye and became famous much more than Kab b. Zuhayr's qasida thanks to its fame, literal power and writing process. For the attaning the Beloved Prophet's intercession and praise, Kasida-i Burda of Busiri was translated poetic and prosaic style in Turkish literature and expounded, plussages and reductions are penned about it. Also, Mehmed Said Pasha from Diyarbakir, translated the qasida in the form of both a poem and a prose by wishing the Prophet's intercession. Said Pasha, became famous qua statesman, wrote a lot of works and was especially interested in the Qaseedat-ul-Burdah. Except poetic and prosaic translation, he also reducted the Qaseedat-ul-Burdah. In this article, it was given a general information especially about the Qaseedat-ul- Burdah and then the lives and works of it’s authors are handled. After the analysis of the translation of poem and prose Qaseedat-ul-Burdah as to whether the form or content, the texts were presented by being transcribed.

Bûsîrî, Diyarbakırlı Mehmed Said Pasha, Qaseedat-ul- Burdah, Translation.

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