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A Story Collection which Author Unknown: Menâkib-i Hamsîn
Menâkib-i Hamsîn which listed Library of the Topkapı Palace Museum Hazine 1279 recorded is a corpus of stories collected from various tricks. In this book there are two chapters and sixty six stories. In first chapter there are stories about the tricks of the rulers and the scholars. The second chapter is devoted to stories involving tradesmen, thieves, females and animals. The unknown author brought these stories from the events he heard or received works in previous periods. The importance of Menâkib-i Hamsîn is the original stories that also contain the local and native things in it. Stories in which some historical personalities are included are seen as important documents in terms of social history. These stories are also remarkable in terms of the sociality and locality of literature. In this article, general informations has been given about Menâkib-i Hamsîn. The copy of work, its name, the person to whom it was presented is discussed in the article. Informed about the contents of the stories one sentence and stories that common to previous works has been identified. In addition, within the bounds of the article has been mentioned person, place and time features. At the end of the article has been given as an example one of stories with local and native features.

Menâkib-i Hamsîn, short story, ruses.

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