18TH Century Divan Poet Adlî and His Divan
According to the collections of biographies Adlî was
born in Istanbul and his real name is Mehmed. Adlî, who
went through various posts in bureaucracy, died in 1743-
1744 in Istanbul. Adlî’s Divan is not published yet and can
be found in the divan magazine under the registration
number of 43 Ze 333/3-4-5-6 as a part Zeytionoglu
Collection in Tavsanlı Zeytinoglu Puplic Library. Whole
divan is written in calligraphic style called taliq, in the two
columns with 18 lines and the completion date is recorded
as 21 Safer 1167 (21 November 1753-1754). In most of his
poems, simple and harmonic language is preferred. All of
his poems are written in Turkish except three Persian
poems. Poems written in rindane style play crucial role in
Adlî’s Divan. In his rindane ghazals, as it is common in
the classic Divan, wine, bar, rind, zahid types of terms are
used often. It is pointed out in the tezkires that Poet is a
follower of sufism. In this paper, information about Adlî
and his Divan is given followed by introducing some
samples of ghazals written in rindane style.
Divan poetry, rindane poem, Adlî.