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Rhyme Savings in The Süheyl ü Nevbahar
Süheyl ü Nevbahâr is one of the important Mesneves / texts of Turkish Language and Literature. This mesnevi is a work of volume approaching six thousand brains, rich vocabulary and so on. Language material in Turkey because of the Turkish literary field in the field of employees who are working in the field of Turkish language has become a center of attention. Such voluminous historical texts shed light on the development of language and the changes within itself. Historical texts testify to how the words, phrases, proverbs, and phrases on the earth are carried day by day from the past. Historical texts show in which era the language(s) left in the history and the new texts that replaced them came into use, ie how the language development progressed. In the same way, it is also possible to see the vocal and figurative characteristics of the vocabulary used in different historical and literary periods. In this article, while we are carrying out new reading exercises on Süheyl ü Nevbahar text, examples which we have found about rhyme savings are presented and explanations about saving are made.

Mesut Bin Ahmed, Süheyl u Nevbahâr, rhyme savings.

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