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In Verse Migrationbooks in Turkish Islamic Literature and Mesnevi Named “Hicret-i Habîb-i Rabbü’l-Âlemîn” of Mustafâ Fevzî b. Nu^mân
It is seen that religious-literary genres in Turkish Islamic literature, generally, are concentrated on Hz. Muhammed. One of these genres is the in verse migrationbooks. Mostly, this kind of works are verse texts describing the Hz. Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina in 622. The only known example of detached in verse migrationbooks belongs to Süleyman Nahîfî. However, there are many poems written in this subject in different periods of our literature. Even, some of our classical poets have allocated the a part of one’s own divan or mesnevi to tell this event. This study consists of introduction and three parts following it. It the introduction of the study, the concept of migration has been defined and Hz. Muhammad’s emigration has been summarized. In the first part of the study, it has been mentioned how the subject of emigration has been used in different periods of our literature. In the second part of the study, the individual or departmental examples of in verse migrationbooks have been introduced. The third part of the study contains the analysis and text publication of mesnevi named Hicret-i Habîb-i Rabbü’l-Âlemîn which is the one of the most important examples of the genre. This study focuses on the in verse migrationbooks which is mentioned in our literary history sources but which is not evaluated before in a whole. The aim of the study is to contribute to the researchers who spending hours on religious- literary genres and to the readers who want to remember once again as a verse the migration of Hz. Muhammed.

Migration, In Verse Migrationbooks, Religious-Literary Genres, Mustafâ Fevzî b. Nu‘mân.

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