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Poetic Dictionary of Kerîmî
The examples of writing poetic dictionary tradition, which started in 11th century Arabic literature, started in Turkish literature at the beginning of 15th century. Poetic dictionaries were written in the shape of aruz prosody and they became very common quickly. Besides Persian- Turkish and Arabic-Turkish bilingual poetic dictionaries, there were Persian-Arabic-Turkish trilingual dictionaries in the literature. Although not very common, there were different dictionaries such as Bosnian-Turkish, Romaic- Turkish, Armenian-Turkish, French-Turkish. The dictionary of Kerîmî, subject to this article, is one of the examples of Persian-Arabic-Turkish trilingual poetic dictionaries. There is no information in the related literature about the author of the work. There are two copies of the dictionary in the literature. In this study, 8 copies of the same dictionary were determined and their reviewed and controlled texts were prepared. The oldest version with a definite copy date is dated 1570. At the beginning of the article, there is brief information about the poetic dictionary tradition and the shape and content of Kerîmî’s dictionary are analyzed. The dictionary is made of a total of 131 verses and 243 Persian, 28 Arabic words are included. The section of introduction, which exists in most of the dictionaries, doesn’t exist in Kerîmî’s dictionary copies. The work is made of 16 sections called ‘verse’. The number of couplets varies between 2 and 13 in these sections. 4 different aruz prosodies are used in the work.

Dictionary, poetic dictionary, wordbook, Kerîmî.

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